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Express Entry

Express Entry is a program comes under three below categories:

General Information:

Before a candidate wishes to submit his/her application through Express Entry online system, he/she must meet minimum eligibility requirements of at least one of the above streams, also known as ECONOMIC STREAMS. The requirements are different for each of the above stream.

In addition to meeting criteria for one or more of the above economic streams, a candidate, must, at all times, be admissible to Canada.

A candidate is required to get the credential of his/highest qualification, be assessed by an authorised Educational Credential Assessment service provider. These service providers evaluate a candidate’s foreign obtained educational credential for its Canadian equivalency. This is a mandatory requirement for Federal Skilled workers program.

The higher the education, the more the points. Only the highest credential needs to be verified, to be able to claim points. Although it is not mandatory for the other two economic streams of immigration but will give more points if someone provides the same while submission of application.

A Brief about the Process:

A candidate creates his/her profile through this Express Entry online system. Once a candidate submits his/her information by answering to the questions being asked, his eligibility requirements gets assessed whether he/she qualifies for at least one of the economic immigration streams. If the candidate meets the requirements of the any of these streams, Candidate’s profile enters the pool of qualified candidates, commonly known as Express Entry pool. This score criteria is different from the scoring criteria, which was used to check the eligibility of a candidate for an Economic Stream.

While being in this pool, a candidate may receive a notification of interest from a province or a job offer from an employer.

Though it is not a mandatory requirement to have a job offer while submission of application, but having a job offer from an employer in Canada, will lead to a higher CRS score. Although, a candidate with no job offer may register with Canada's job bank at Job Bank.

The profile of candidate remains valid for 1-year period from the date of submission after being completed.

On the date of draw by IRCC, a minimum cut-off score is selected. Candidates who have CRS scores, above the chosen cut-off score, are sent invitations to apply (ITA), by IRCC. The selection includes consideration of time stamp, i.e. which profile was submitted first, when IRCC chooses the number of invitations to be sent.

A candidate gets a total of 60 days to submit complete application with requested documents that satisfactorily proves the validity and authenticity of information submitted when a candidate created his/her Express Entry profile. An Invitation to apply does not mean Permanent Residence will be granted.

Once the documents have been uploaded through this online system along with payment of the requested fee, and IRCC is satisfied that the candidate meets all the requirements, he/she receives notification for getting Medical performed by a panel physician, physicians selected by IRCC in different countries. The information or list of nearby or country specific panel physicians is available on CIC website there. Once the medicals are done, they are communicated to IRCC by panel physicians/ hospitals. Then, other relevant background checks are performed. After having completed all these steps, candidates receive their Confirmation of Permanent residency along with a passport submission request to their nearest visa application centre. The candidate must land once in Canada before the validity of the visa expires.