One of the most complicated and distressing situations that can arise during the immigration process is the possibility of a removal order.

A removal order is issued by the Canadian government to individuals who are considered inadmissible to Canada and must leave the country. There are various types of removal orders, including deportation orders, departure orders, and exclusion orders, each with its own unique criteria and consequences.

If you have received a removal order, it is crucial to seek legal advice as soon as possible. Our skilled immigration consultant can help you understand your rights and options and develop a plan for challenging the removal order or obtaining relief from removal.

Some of the factors that can lead to a removal order include criminal convictions, misrepresentation or fraud in the immigration process, failure to comply with immigration requirements or conditions, and being deemed a security risk or threat to public safety.

Regardless of the reason for the removal order, it is important to take swift action to protect your rights and avoid being barred from returning to Canada in the future. Our team can assist you with filing appeals, seeking humanitarian and compassionate relief, and negotiating with immigration officials to reach a positive outcome.

PRRA (Pre-Removal Risk Assessment)

If you have been issued a removal order but believe that returning to your country of origin would put you in danger, you may be eligible for a Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA). A PRRA is a process where an individual who is subject to a removal order can submit information and evidence that supports a claim for refugee protection or that they would be at risk of persecution, torture, or risk to life or to cruel and unusual treatment or punishment if they return to their home country.

Eligibility for a PRRA is only available to individuals who are subject to a removal order. To be able to apply for a PRRA, you must have already exhausted all of your other legal options for remaining in Canada. This would include options like appealing the removal order and pursuing a stay of deportation. If you are eligible for PRRA, it is important to understand that the process is not a guarantee of immigration status and should be taken seriously.

In a PRRA application, you will need to provide details regarding the circumstances that led to your removal order, the risks you will face upon return, and any supporting evidence (e.g. news articles, reports, witness testimony, etc.) that validates your claim. It is important to include any risks that you will face based on your identity, such as race, ethnicity, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Submitting a strong PRRA application can be complicated and stressful, as the stakes are high. It is important to seek legal advice and representation from an experienced immigration consultant as at KB Immigration Inc., to ensure that you are presenting your strongest case and that you are up to date with any changes to the PRRA process or changes to immigration policy.

At our Canada Immigration consultancy firm, we provide accurate and reliable information to help you navigate the PRRA process and make informed decisions. Our experienced immigration consultant is dedicated to providing you with the best service possible and will help guide you through the process of applying for a PRRA, taking into consideration your individual case and personal circumstances.